Monday, July 2, 2012

Rubber + EC2 + Rails + Oracle + nginx + Passenger

Deploying rails app into EC2 using Rubber

Step 1 
Get the key from aws and store it in ~/.ec2 folder  

         chmod 400 keyname

Generate the publickey     

         ssh-keygen -y -f keyname >

Step 2
Add rubber gem in your gemfile

        gem rubber

and do 

         bundle install

Step 3
Now do vulcanize. Am using nginx and passenger 

        rails g vulcanize minimal_passenger_nginx

Step 4
Now edit following fields in config/rubber/rubber.yml

       access key
       secret access key
       account name
       app name
       app user
       image id
       image type

Step 5 : 
Deploy Part :
       cap rubber:create
       cap rubber:bootstrap 
       cap deploy

If you are using oracle instant client set the environment variable in server and then do 'cap deploy'

Here is the way to bypass fingerprint authentication prompt : 
add these two lines in deploy script. 

ssh_options[:keys] = [File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".ssh", "id_rsa")] 
set :deploy_to, "your_deploy_folder"