Many programmer uses jquery to catch click event and do $.get or $.post to access the server and print the response in a required div.
But there is a handy way to do ajax request using UJS provided by Rails .
Let us take an example of flipkart "add to wish list" event. So In when you click add to wish list , the item will be added in your wishlist .
This can be easily achieved in three easy steps.
Now lets see how to do that in rails using UJS
Step 1:
In view(show.haml.html) your may have
= link_to "Add to wishlist" , wish_list_path(@product) ,:id => "wish_list_link"
Now we make it as ajax request by adding :remote => true
= link_to "Add to wishlist" , wish_list_path(@product) ,:id => "wish_list_link" , :remote => true
Step 2:
Now in controller
def wish_list #adding wish list respond_to do |format| format.js #This line is important end end
Step 3:
Now create a file named wish_list.js.erb
$("#wish_list_link").html(''added to wishlist"); # Lets say you want to render a partial . $("#wish_list_linkt").html('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => "wish_list" , :locals => { :product => @product})%>');
Step 4(optional):
You can use jquery to show the loading part while server is responding
$("#wish_list_link").live("click",function(){ #show_loading_img })
...and that's it.
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